A-Z of Summer: Dens

A den can be made anywhere, inside or out, all you need is a big sheet or blanket and something to drape it over. 

If you are in a back garden you can create an instant den by draping a big sheet or blanket over a rotary washing line, you can secure it on either side with stones or logs.  

Or you might have a branch hanging down low that you can turn into a hiding place with some coats, even an umbrella makes an excellent roof and you can add to it with all manner of other ‘natural building materials’ fallen branches, logs, sticks, leaves, bracken, grasses, stones and much more.

Put some bin liners on the ground to protect you from damp ground.  

If the weather isn’t favourable to be outside there are plenty of places inside to build your den.  If you have bunk beds you can tuck a sheet underneath the top mattress and let the material cover the front of the bed.  If there is room underneath your dining room table put a big sheet right over the top so that it covers the sides, or if there isn’t the room use a couple of chairs and throw a blanket over the top.

Top tip:
The ultimate den is a place that’s invitation only – make up a secret password for you and your friends to use.

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Whatever you choose to do enjoy the scent of summer with Vax and Heart.

*As always, please be mindful of your children’s health & safety during these activities and keep them attended to at all times