Campaign to Cut Danger of Devon Lanes

Government figures show that we're three times more likely to be killed on rural roads than a busy urban street.

And the people most at risk on North Devon roads are young men between 17 and 39.

Now Devon County Council's campaigning to improve safety here.

And our Young Farmers Clubs are backing the campaign.

Speeding is obviously a problem, as is driving too fast for the conditions and over-taking on bends and where visibility's restricted.

And being familiar with a road or lane doesn't seem to help with safety. One study on the A377 found that between 2002 and 2006 86per cent of fatal and serious injury collisions involved people who lived within 20km of the crash site.

The problem is that tractors, slow moving agricultural vehicles, horse riders, cyclists, pedestrians and farm animals are all competing for space  on  these roads, alongside busy drivers.

The young farmers have promised to pull over if they're driving slow vehicles.