New Framework for Cab Cameras

New rules for keeping an eye on passengers using CCTV are being laid down in Torridge

It's all part of the council's Licensing Policy for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licences  which is being reviewed.

Officers have come up with a draft policy which includes a section on the use of CCTVs in taxis.

Along with ensuring the system has been approved by the council and doesn't interfere with the driver or passenger, the draft policy says the CCTV must operate effectively in low light, must be date stamped and timed and any image must be made available to police within five days of a request.

 The policy further explains the Council's approach to licensing vehicles, drivers and operators.  It also sets out the standards it proposes to apply when dealing with licence applications and carrying out enforcement action.  The Policy has been extensively revised to ensure it reflects recent changes in licensing law and is fit for purpose.

This is an important issue for the Council and for people who provide or use public transport in Torridge and feedback is being asked for. 

The consultation can be found at:

Responses are invited before the consultation period ends on 21st October 2011 with the results of the consultation being presented to the Licensing Committee in November.

If you have any questions about this consultation, or you would like to request a hard copy, please contact Tony Nicholls, Licensing Manager, on 01237-428991 or email: