Things That Really Urk You

Oh it's a very grey Thursday......that rhymes!

This morning on Heart Breakfast Tom revealed a new campaign to ban smiley faces in text messages! Can you believe it? :-/

Nicola was a tad against it, she uses the classic 'winky' face all the time in her tweets. How will she cope without them?! ;-)

There are lots of other things that really urk us rather than smileys. CUE THE CLASSIC HEART BREAKFAST TOP 10!
Here are some of our 'things that urk us, but really shouldn't' favourites that made the top 10 list - 

when I go to pay for my petrol at the petrol station, I get stuck in a queue behind people doing their weekly shop. (Darryl in Heathfield)
People that drive around with one headlight you are NOT a motorbike, get it fixed
- People who give limp handshakes (Jade in Brighton)
- People who say 'Oh guess what.........oh don't worry' 
- People who press the button to cross the road and don't wait for the green man

Also this morning, Nicola revealed that Simon Cowell is considering calling his baby......Simon. Where is the imagination in that? Although it could be worse, there are some really worrying names out there. Here's some good'ens - 

- Polly Cotton, middle name Esther!
- Tim Burr
- Justin Casey
- Chelsea Bunn

Make sure you tune in to Heart Breakfast tomorrow morning as Tom and Nicola will be speaking to the Austrailian hunk Mr Peter Andre!