Ideas Considered To Improve Boscombe Surf Reef

The first meeting's taken place of the ‘Surf Reef Task and Finish Group’ – a working group of councillors set up to find an affordable technical solution to improve the performance of the surf reef.

At the meeting, chaired by Cllr Ben Grower, members ruled out deconstruction as an option, agreeing to focus their efforts on seeking a solution that will deliver a more surfable wave.

The Group, made up of cross party councillors, welcomed draft proposals from ASR, who were at the meeting to answer questions and present their initial plans for improvement.  The Group agreed to ask that the draft proposals are shared with Plymouth University, local surfing representatives and the Council’s own technical officers, with each reporting back to the Task and Finish Group, which will then make its recommendations.

Working with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Major Projects, Cllr Ian Lancashire, the Surf Reef Task & Finish Group was set up by the Joint Economy & Tourism / Administration & Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel on 13th July, to see whether cost-effective improvements to Boscombe’s artificial surf reef should be made. 

The Task and Finish Group will continue its discussions with ASR, local surfers, Plymouth University and council officers over the coming weeks.  It is due to make its recommendations to the Economy & Tourism Scrutiny Panel, which would then make recommendations to Cabinet in October 2010.