Blue badge fraud

19 May 2010, 16:36 | Updated: 19 May 2010, 17:12

A specialist team has been set up to tackle Blue Badge fraud in Gloucestershire.

The Badges are given to people with severe mobility problems so they can park on yellow lines and in car parks for free.

But 6,000 blue badges go missing every year across the country and a stolen blue badge can fetch up to £1,500 on the black market.

Crackdowns have just been run by Gloucestershire County Council, Cheltenham Borough Council, Gloucester City Council and Gloucestershire Police to tackle fraud. In two week-long operations in Cheltenham and Gloucester, 20 Blue Badges were confiscated, 4 warnings were issued and 13 people are in the process of being prosecuted.

If you suspect Blue Badge fraud, please report it to your district/borough parking teams

Gloucester and Forest 01452 396724

Cheltenham 01242 264114

Stroud 01453 766321

Tewkesbury 01684 295010

Cotswold 01285 623000