Gloucestershire: Investigation Into Former Children's Home

27 March 2014, 12:08 | Updated: 27 March 2014, 12:24

Jimmy Savile

Gloucestershire County Council has been asked to look at claims Jimmy Savile may have carried out abuse at a former children's home in Whitminster.

Parklands Children's Home is one of twenty homes and schools being investigated across the country. 

Linda Uren, director of children's services, at the Council said: ''The county council will be carrying out a full investigation into the allegations made, working closely with Gloucestershire Police, the Metropolitan Police and the Department of Education. We will do everything in our power to find out exactly what happened many years ago, and ensure that everything is being done to keep young people safe from harm today.'' 

Parklands children's home opened in the 1950s and was closed in 2002.

The Council say the investigation will cover the process for protecting children in Parklands at the time, how they compare to now and is everything being done now to protect our young people. The investigation will be carried out according to guidance received from the DfE and overseen by the person that they have appointed.