Would you kiss a dog?

Heart Breakfast - answering the big questions... like, "Would you kiss a dog?"

Charlie's Boyfriend loves a good snog... the problem is, it's not with her - it's with a dog!

We asked "Would you kiss a dog?" and opinion was divided...

  • Debra Ludlow-Wilson yeah they are so kissable.. all that fur and the lovely eyes.. plant a kiss right between their eyes! smile
  • Alice Trew It is disgusting Charlie!! I love my dog and I give them hugs but the moment they lick me I'm like Ewwwwwwww!!!!!!
  • Tadhg Hartnett You could kiss worse trust

Charlie hates it and would never do it so this morning - James got Paul to come in with his dogs George and Olly - and wanted to get Charlie to kiss them! Did she do it though? Have a watch here...

 And read Charlies thoughts on what happened here

Check out Charlie's fella getting off with a pooch!!

Charlie's Boyfriend and his amorous friend


Seeing this, you guys decided to show us you kissing your furry friends!!

Chris says, "i've no problem with this.....it's a sign of love and affection...but you do need a flanel close by"

Chris Kissing a dog


And meet Abbie, puckering up for her King Charles!!

Abbie kissing a dog


And you can check out what else has been happening on Heart Breakfast here!