Lucy's Blog - Friday 31st May

Hiya!! It’s the weekend, YESSSSS!

How are you spending yours? I’m taking collection of my first ever Lawnmower tomorrow, and I’m genuinely excited! I know that’s rather sad, but it does stripes and everything! Other than that, I’ve got a lovely quiet weekend planned & that’s just perfect for me. Sometimes you need some peace & quiet!
On today’s show we asked you to complete this sentence – It’s Friday and I feel good because….
Poochie – I had my hair cut and Nemo my Bengal Cat is being good. Also it’s the weekend and the weather is spot on!
Sam – It’s Friday and I’m feeling good because work needed me to swap my shift and do an early instead. It means that since midday I’ve been chilling in the gorgeous sunny back garden with my girlfriend and Mum. Bring on the summer!!
Martine -  It’s my birthday and I've had a great day at the zoo before going out for dinner tonight!
Vicki - Because today we will finish painting the celling . Love Heart!
Sophie - I feel good because I have just finished my 3 year history degree
Zeb - I am feeling good because going to dads and tomorrow going to friends for a BBQ because it his birthday!
Also, if you head to the our show page, you’ll find our Friday Funny! It’s 8 Reasons Why Your Cat Is A Dog & it’s brilliant!
We’ll be back tomorrow from 6am for Saturday breakfast, and after 8, find out what happened when I met Heart In The Park’s headliner Jennifer Lopez!! Yep. That’s right. When L-Ho met J-Lo. She was lovely by the way, really good fun, open & incredibly beautiful too!