Lucy's Blog - Monday 6th January

Hiya! Happy New Year you lovely lot! Hope you had a cracking Christmas too, and like me, ate your way through far too much festive food!

Mmmmm! So, today was our first ‘Getting You Home’ show in 2 weeks, and with it being a New Year and all that, we decided to ask you this – What is the Number 1 thing you’re looking forward to this year? Claire - My first baby being born this year. The estimated due date is 6 May. Xx Sandie - Christmas. xx Kathryn - Booking our wedding venue and arranging the wedding to the man of my dreams x Emma - Welcome back JK and Lucy!! Really missed you, Happy New Year! Looking forward to finding a wedding venue!!! It'll have to be Heart themed of course! xx Jean - Getting my daughter Grace-Hannah to eat something other then Chips! Graham - Getting my 2 books published and launched Kirsten - Moving to our brand new home! We’ll be back tomorrow from 4pm, see you then! Lucy xxx