Lucy's Blog - Tuesday 29th October

Hiya! How’s your Tuesday been? Hope it’s been lovely!

Today we were talking about the last time you received a round of applause. This came about after I got stuck on a train yesterday amidst the storm! I left Manchester yesterday morning on a train that was bound for Euston. Unfortunately, because of the weather, we’d been told it was terminating at Milton Keynes. So, you can just imagine mine, and other passengers relief when it was announced on the tannoy that we would indeed be continuing to Euston! We were so happy that we broke into a round of rapturous, spontaneous applause. It was a really lovely moment!
So – when did you last receive a round of applause? Here’s my top 5….
Emma - I got a round of a plause from my boyfriend after I just gave birth to our daughter. I wasn’t impressed!
Cheyenne - My husband Johnny received a round of applause last night. Our 2 year old Bryan was playing with the shape sorter and couldn't get the shape in. So husband showed him how to do it. He cheered, clapped and said ‘yay, clever boy daddy’!
Kim - The last time I got a round of applause was last Saturday when a group of friends and I arranged a charity ladies lunch in Banstead. We had 175 ladies come along and raised just over £12,000 for The Royal Marsden cancer charity.
Ana - I got a round of applause after singing at work from all the patients and relatives, forgot ward curtains aren't soundproof!
Selina - I got a round of applause today at slimming today I have lost 3 1/2 stone. X
We’ll be back tomorrow from 4pm, see you then!
Lucy xxx