Tuesday 19th April

Harriet had a big announcement this morning. She’s pregnant with her second child! He or she will be a brother or sister for 15 month old Louis. Jamie’s already had some thoughts on names… Bonnie if it’s a girl or Tyler if it’s a boy!

Harriet Announces She's Having Another Baby On Heart Breakfast 19th April 2011

With less than two weeks to go before his big day, you’d think Prince William would be too busy to do anything apart from writing his speech and ironing his best suit. We happen to know exactly what he was doing last night though. Have a listen to Martin who called us to find out what!

Martin Calls Heart Breakfast After Playing Football With Prince William 19th April 2011

Speaking of the Royal Wedding, we’ve added Colin from Aldenham and Sue from Thorpe Bay to the list of guests attending Heart’s Wedding Breakfast. You could be there too if you play Pop The Question tomorrow morning.

Paul chose Jamie and objects to play with on Hearticulate. He did well scoring 7 and bagging a gondola ride on Heart’s Hyde Park Celebration Wheel for him and six mates.

Spideyman gave us a call… He managed to complete the Marathon on Sunday (not with his super spidey powers though – his mate Alan gave him a lift on his moped!)

It’s the hottest day of the year so far in London… Enjoy the sunshine!