Lucy's Blog - Monday

Hiya! So, on today's show we were talking about breaking rules at Christmas!

This is after I confessed to eating my entire Advent Calendar weeks ago! I'm sorry. I was hungry. Ooops.

So, how are YOU breaking the Christmas rules this festive season?

Tracey - My 5 year old also ate his entire calendar! Not only his but his eldest sisters too! He even tried his middle sisters one!

Danny Dennis - Making small rips in the small Xmas presents :>

Emma Newland - Onto the 3rd tub of Heroes already....just love chocolate!!!!

Kathryn & Ben - We are having lobster instead of turkey for lunch!

And this text was anonymous, funnily enough....

My Christmas rule I'm breaking is: This is the last year I'm suffering the in-laws for a while.  

We'll be back tomorrow from 4pm, see you then!

Lucy Xxx