Lucy's Blog - Thursday 12th July

Hiya, So, we’re onto Thursday and JK is still moaning that it’s too hot!

He’s now got to a point where he’s fantasising about where he can escape to, bless him. I think it’s because his bald patch gets burnt in the Sun. Aww. Of course, we had to ask you – where would YOU escape to?
Here’s some of your suggestions…..
Elaine - The North Pole!!
Kayleigh - I wouldn’t mind being stranded on an iceberg at this moment!
Kelly  - My 10 seconds would have to be laying in bed with Robbie Williams singing ‘Eternity’ you haven't got that sound. :-)!!!!
Maggie - I’d like to be in the ice bar, London. Not only is it nice and cool, but it also involves alcohol...perfect!
Nicole - Pearly white beaches of the Maldives.
Leann - Anywhere with Wind & Ice. 31 weeks pregnant & feel like hell!
Ashley – I would love to be in a beer garden with a few beers!
This one gets 10 out of 10 for creativity!
‘Hugh Hefners garden pool with the Bunnies!’ Hahahaha!
We’ll be back tomorrow from 4pm, and it’s FRIIIIDAAAAAAY!! Yes!
See you then!
Lucy xxx