Tidal Surge Three Year Anniversary

9 November 2010, 06:00

It's three years today since huge tidal waves were threatening to flood Norfolk and Suffolk.

On the 9th of November 2007, the East Coast of the UK experienced the worst storm surge for 20 years. According to the local government association, the council emergency planning teams were on full alert. Paul Bettison, Chairman of the association's environment board, said, "Anyone by a river, coastal or flood risk area must be prepared."

Ministers were particularly worried over the port of Lowerstoft. Thousands of people were preparing to evacuate their homes whilst leisure centres in Lowestoft and Leiston, along side Beccles public hall, were made available for the public as rest centres. It was feared the tidal surge would be similar to that in January 1953, however, the surge levels were 20cm lower than the worst scenario.

This year, the Constabulary, British Red Cross and Environment Agency will together launch a new free flood awareness booklet and public awareness DVD. On the 9th of November they will have a stand at The Forum; the public awareness DVD will additionally be made available in libraries across Norfolk.