People With Appropriate Names

Yahoo for Hump Day! We’re halfway there people.

It would seem that our Tommy is not as squeaky clean as he’d have us believe as he nearly got himself arrested yesterday…yes you heard right Tom Evans almost had a brush with the law!! What actually happened was that he managed to break his key off in the lock of his front door leaving him and his 3 year old son stranded outside. As he was attempting to right the situation a passer-by doing their civil duty started questioning him about his ownership of the property…Tom was seconds away from being subjected to a citizen’s arrest! Surely the fact he had his 3 year old with him was clue enough that he wasn’t on the rob. How we’d have laughed though if he had been arrested!

Jack played a fun little game with Tom & Lyns this morning…all based on job appropriate names. Have a listen, some of them are quite outrageous!

Appropriate Names

Caroline from Burgess Hill played the Big Town Showdown this morning and had a stonker of a round. She got all 10 questions right but sadly was just a little slow with her answers and fell just short of our top 5 on the whiteboard in the studio. She still sits proudly in sixth on leaderboard though which is no mean feat. If you fancy representing your town with love and pride register now by clicking HERE.


On tomorrow’s show we’ll be sending plenty of positive vibes to A-Level students waking up on their big results day…