Buckinghamshire: Walk To School Campaign

26 October 2012, 06:46 | Updated: 26 October 2012, 07:21

Millions of pounds is being spent in parts of Buckinghamshire to try and make it easier for parents to get their children to school.

National charity Living Streets is working with Buckinghamshire County Council to help start a campaign to encourage children to walk part or all of the way to school. It aims to moderate traffic congestion and reduce car journeys, as well as improving the health of families.

In Buckinghamshire in the first year of the project, fifteen primary schools will take part in WoW (Walk once a Week). Plans include improving walking routes to school, raising road safety awareness and using collectable badges to encourage primary school children to walk. 

Buckinghamshire is among 11 local authorities across the country which have successfully bid for over £17m share of funding from the Local Sustainable Transport Fund to tackle heavy traffic around the school gates.

Peter Hardy Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation said:

“Schools taking part in this project will help to reduce the negative impact of car use by promoting and encouraging walking for the school journey.  This will help to improve journey times for essential road users, boosting the local economy and supporting economic growth”