157 postal votes not counted in Chester

Cheshire West Council has admitted that 157 postal votes legally cast across the Borough on Election Day weren't counted.

The Labour Party in Chester say it's not acceptable that any individual was not able to vote.

There were also problems with the lists of voters handed to polling stations.

The Council says it affected a small number of voters and they're working to make sure it wont happen again.

Chief Executive, Steve Robinson said:

"We have looked closely at the issues which caused concern both before and during polling day - particularly those surrounding postal votes, polling cards and late registration.

"We were affected by third party issues over which we had little or no control; the short timescale between declaration and polling day; new arrangements for postal votes and to a much lesser extent, human error.

"Our own systems have also been examined; staffing levels for elections reviewed; regular training programmes planned and a multi-disciplinary project team established to identify and implement any improvements believed necessary before the next elections."