Stopping criminals re-offending

13 July 2010, 06:00 | Updated: 13 July 2010, 11:03

A report out today has found a third of work being done to stop criminals re-offending in the Thames Valley.

The report, carried out by HM Inspectorate of Probabation, recorded that work to 'Help' and 'Change' offenders was done well 71% of the time and improvements are needed.

Click here to see the full report

Sally Lester, Assistant Chief Inspector of Probation, said:

“ We have examined a representative sample of probation (adult offending) cases from the area, and have judged how often the work with each case was done to a sufficiently high level of quality.

“Over the trust as a whole, we judged that the work to keep to a minimum each individual’s Risk of Harm to others – i.e. the ‘Control’ purpose’ - was done well enough 71% of the time. The work to make each individual less likely to reoffend – the ‘Help’ and ‘Change’ purposes - was done well enough 69% of the time. Work to maximise compliance and enforcement was done well enough 78% of the time.

“These figures can be viewed in the context of our findings from the areas and trusts inspected so far. To date, the average score for Risk of Harm to others work has been 68%, with scores ranging from 65%–72%, and the average score for Likelihood of Reoffending work has been 68%, with scores ranging from 64%–76%. To date the average score for work to maximise compliance and enforcement has been 75%, with scores ranging from 70%–82%.

“We found that Thames Valley Probation had worked effectively to address areas of underperformance highlighted in earlier inspections. They had taken action to ensure that national targets were met and had built in measures to ensure that work was of a good standard, not least through a comprehensive training plan. Their approach to partnership work was effective, in particular, in achieving resources and results for the education, training and employment of offenders.

“Overall, we consider this an encouraging set of findings. The trust had a clear improvement plan that was not yet fully implemented; developments to date lend confidence that areas for improvement will continue to be addressed.”