South Cambs: Timetable Published After Consultation
30 September 2012, 08:15
South Cambridgeshire District Council say they have received 11,500 comments to their Local Plan Consultation.
Local people and businesses had until noon on Friday to have their say on how South Cambridgeshire should develop over the next 20 years.
The Authority set out its' planning policies and proposals to guide the development and use of the land in the district for the period up to 2031 which could see up to 30,000 new jobs and an additional 9,300 new homes built.
Proposed new homes would be in addition to the 14,200 that have already been given planning permission, or are part of the Council's current Local Plan, including the new town of Northstowe and sites on the edge of Cambridge.
As well as giving their views on sites that have been assessed as being possibly suitable for development, residents are being asked whether most homes should be built on the edge of Cambridge, as a new town or village, or on land in and around the district's larger villages.
Two possible sites, Waterbeach Barracks and Bourn Airfield, were assessed as being the most suitable for a new town or village, but smaller sites in 17 villages are also being consulted on.
The consultation also asks residents about the number of new jobs that should be planned for over the next two decades - 14,000 (700 per year), 23,100 (1,200 per year), or 29,200 (1,500 per year).
To support the new jobs, there are also be three suggested options for the number of additional new homes needed - 4,300, 7,300, or 9,300.
Once adopted, all planning applications will be assessed against the policies in the Local Plan.
So what happens next?
* Autumn 2012 - Discussions are planned with the Planning Inspectorate which will help give more clarity on the likely adoption date of the Local Plan. A number of evidence base and supporting studies support the preparation of the Local Plan.
* Jan/Feb 2013 - Depending on the responses received, a second Local Plan Issues & Options public consultation may be required
* June/July 2013 - Draft Local Plan public consultation
* November 2013 - Submission of Local Plan to Secretary of State (The timetable after submission of the Local Plan will be largely determined by the Planning Inspectorate).
* May-Sept 2014 - Public Examination of Local Plan by independent planning inspector May - September 2014
* April 2015 - Receipt of Inspectors Report on the Local Plan
* September 2015 - Consider the recommendations included in the Inspectors Report and adopt the Local Plan