Carer of the Year

The Carer of the Year is Amanda Vico Green

The Nomination

Amanda has two children with learning disabilities who she cares for, one is severely autistic and the older child has a milder form.  Her husband also has health issues.  She looks after her elderly granny on a daily basis who has mild dementia/alzheimers.  She also has health issues of her own as she has coeliacs disease and she never complains about helping other people.  And when she has a spare five minutes she looks after my cats for me.

Amanda is the loviest person I know.  She has many issues to deal with in her family life, she has two children with special needs, one has severe austism and her husband has health issues too.  She also has various issues with her health, but she doesn't let this stop her.  She always thinks of other people and never of herself.  She also looks after her elderly granny who is suffering from dementia.  Oh and in her spare time she manages to look after my cats for me when I go on holiday.



Albie Latham/Early Years Childcare

Julia Badakhshan

Nomination and awards terms and conditions here

Carer of the Year - Heart Local Hero Award
sponsored by Britannia Home Care
