Teacher of the Year
Mr Pearson from the Priory Secondary School in Dorking is Teacher of the year
Here's the Nomination.
Mr Pearson is a man who fits a month into one day,everyday.
He is kind,patient,honest,he is always pleased to see the children and goes above and beyond the call of duty every single day.He takes time out of his own time to make sure the children have a happy environment in school and out.He supports the children all the time and see's the good in everyone.He has a great sense of humour but can be serious when he needs to be.All the adults and children have huge respect for him and he knows all the children at The Priory Secondary School in Dorking by name.I could go on and on he is amazing with the children and genuinely cares about each and every one of them.He knows who the young carers in the school and supports them.He is strong but fair when it comes to bullying and manages to stop it straight away whenever it happens,i dont know how he does it.He seems to bring the best out in people by getting them to think for themselves.Great person.And all the students and us mums and dads would like to see him recognised for all his hard work and effort.All round good sport
Nomination and awards terms and conditions here