Plans For Purbeck Wind Farm Refused
31 March 2011, 14:15
Members of Purbeck District Council’s Planning Board have refused permission for four wind turbines on land off Puddletown Road, East Stoke, near Wareham.
The decision follows a special Planning Board meeting held in November 2010, when the Board resolved that it was minded to grant planning permission for the proposal subject to their agreement to appropriate conditions.
As part of the process of preparing the conditions, the local community and interested groups were invited to submit Suggestions on how adverse impacts could be mitigated.
After consideration, Planning Board members considered that the conditions could not satisfactorily mitigate the impacts of the development and therefore planning permission was refused.
The proposal was for the erection of 4 wind turbines (up to 125m high to the tip of a rotor blade in a vertical position). This includes the provision of crane hardstandings, substation building, underground cabling, temporary construction compound, new site access tracks and permanent 89.5m high anemometer mast and new vehicular access.
MEANWHILE The name of the offshore wind park located off the Dorset and Hampshire coasts and to the west of the Isle of Wight has been chosen by the general public following five weeks of voting.
The winning name, ‘Navitus Bay’, was suggested by Jacky Ellwood from Christchurch, Dorset. The word ‘Navitus’ means energy in Latin.
Mrs Ellwood received a luxury long weekend break to Rotterdam - the home of Eneco, plus spending money as a prize.