Rubbish Collections Still Affected After Snow
Refuse and recycling collections in Poole scheduled for Wednesday 22 December 2010 have been cancelled due to the continuing winter weather.
In a statement, Poole Borough Council said:
"The decision is based upon the forecast weather conditions and the current condition of both roads and footpaths in areas due for collection tomorrow. Collections were due to take place for refuse in Canford Heath, Merley, Bearwood, Oakdale and parts of Aldnerney, and for recycling Poole Town Centre, Newtown, and Lower Pakstone.
Many of the side roads within Poole remain too hazardous for access by the collection vehicles. As the collection vehicles weigh up to 26 tonnes they could cause considerable damage to other vehicles, property and pedestrians if they were to slide on the ice. Conditions underfoot also make it extremely difficult for our staff to safely pull bins along footpaths for collection.
The Nuffield Household Waste Recycling Centre will be open as normal and residents are able to take additional household waste and recycling to the site should they wish to do so.
We apologise to all residents affected by these disruptions. Anyone affected by a missed collection should present their bin on the next scheduled collection day from Monday 3 January 2011 where two extra bags will be accepted as part of the normal collection.
We will continue to monitor forecasts throughout the day before making a decision about Thursday's collections.
Teams usually employed in waste collection are as directed by Transportation Services being redeployed to support ongoing gritting of roads and footpaths across the town.
Cleansing teams will be operating throughout tomorrow to clear public litter bins and cleanse and grit retail areas within Poole."