Imax Demolition Latest

13 February 2010, 11:39 | Updated: 14 February 2010, 11:44

The Imax building in Bournemouth won't be knocked down until atleast next summer.

The council met on Friday to plan the timetable for the demolition and redevelopment of the Waterfront site. The Group looked at the ideas that have come forward already from the public, and will spend time assessing them, before coming up with a recommended shortlist at the beginning of March. This allows time for public consultation before Cabinet decides the preferred development option at the end of June. 

Chairing the group is Leader of the Council, Cllr Stephen MacLoughlin.  He said, “We had a really productive first meeting, but have a lot of work to do in the weeks ahead.  The Council needs a firm plan for what will go on the site before we can apply for a Compulsory Purchase Order, so our timetable is very tight.  Overwhelmingly, the public want sea views and the site put to good use.   We have already said that we will do this and our plans are to enable the provision of viable, all-weather attractions on the site, that residents and visitors would value and use.” 

Each idea considered by the Task and Finish Group will be assessed using the following criteria.

·How it contributes to the town’s leisure facilities

·What it adds to the seafront area

·How it contributes to the arts

·The extent to which it is an ‘all weather attraction’

·How economically viable it is

·The time it will take to develop

·Its appeal to people of all ages

Ideas considered, many of which have been put forward by the public, include:

·A tropical water park

·Extreme sports use

·A butterfly farm

·Family play areas


·An art gallery

·A open air performance space / dinner theatre

·A spa

·An aerial ride

The more an idea meets the assessment criteria, the more likely it will to be included in the Group’s shortlist.

Based on the criteria above, the Group ruled out a competition-size swimming pool as they considered that this is not the best use of a prime seafront site.  The group also discounted the idea of an ice rink on the site, as plans are already underway to offer the private sector the opportunity to develop an ice rink at Kings Park.

Other ideas discounted were using the site for a hotel, residential accommodation, conference facilities, or a cinema.

The detailed timetable for the next few months is:

11 February –    1 March 2010
 ‘Task and Finish Group’ of cross-party Councillors produces long list of possible options, based on public feedback to the Council, ideas generated through the media and residents’ direct contact with Councillors
1 March 2010
 Long list assessed and short list produced, in conjunction with the Cabinet Members for Resources and Leisure & Tourism
March – April
 Shortlist assessed and evaluated, including opportunities for the public to have their say
28th April 2010
 Cabinet considers shortlist and decides preferred option or options
May – June 2010
 Feasibility of shortlisted options explored and assessed
23rd June 2010
 Cabinet decides preferred option for redevelopment
In conjunction with the work of the Task and Finish Group, preparation is getting underway this month for compulsory purchase and submitting a planning application, so that this can be done without unnecessary delay once the future use of the site is decided in June.