More Repairs To Twin Sails Bridge

Repairs to sections of the road surface on the Twin Sails Bridge Link Road will be undertaken by the developer's contractor over four days starting from 15 October 2012.

The link road was jointly commissioned and funded by the landowners Gallagher Poole Limited and Lands Improvement Holdings PLC and was completed in time for the opening of the Twin Sails Bridge.

During a recent inspection carried out by the Council issues with the binder material used in the road surface were identified. The binder is the adhesive that bonds together the stones in the wearing course and seals the surface. In places the binder has not fully hardened allowing the stone to be pushed down as traffic passes over it.

Repair work underway on road surface

The developer's contractors will remove and replace sections of the road surface that have been affected by the problem with the binder, and the areas immediately surrounding them. Work will be undertaken on approximately 20 per cent of the section of the road between the Twin Sails Bridge and the cross road junction. There are no issues with the surfacing between the junction and Blandford Road.

Two-way traffic signals will be in operation on the link road throughout these works. Motorists will be advised of temporary traffic signals using electronic signs in and around the town. Twin Sails Bridge and Poole Bridge will continue to operate their scheduled bridge lifts and there will be no impact on marine traffic.

Julian McLaughlin, Head of Transportation Services, Borough of Poole, said:

 "Earlier in the year the binder material, which forms part of the road surface, was found to be defective. Remedial work was undertaken but it has now become evident that these measures have not been successful.

"The link road plays an important role in improving traffic flow and easing congestion in the town so it is essential that these remedial works are undertaken as soon as possible. The contract under which the Link Road was constructed makes provision for a 12 month defects period. Therefore any remedial work required during this period, including these repairs to the road surface, is the responsibility of the contractor so there is no cost to the local taxpayer."