Have your say on health

We are getting our first chance to have our say on plans to save £27 million pounds across Gloucestershire's hospitals.

The plans, which are currently on hold, will see 200 beds cut at Cheltenham General and Gloucestershire Royal hospitals.

Drop-in sessions are being held in Gloucester and Cheltenham and a special booklet's being released with more information.

Public Information Drop In Events:

Saturday 27 March
9.30am – 12.30pm – Cheltenham Town Hall.
2pm – 5pm - Guildhall, Gloucester.

Find out more information here (from March 22nd)

Chief Executive of NHS Gloucestershire, Jan Stubbings says:

“As commissioner of local health services we need to assure ourselves that any changes continue to support timely access to services and deliver high quality care and safe services for patients.”

“We believe it is right to consider future plans alongside advancements in medicine and the changing nature of healthcare and service delivery and we are pleased that community partners and members of the public will have further opportunities to find out more about these specific proposals.”

Chief Executive of Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Dr Frank Harsent says:

“We do recognise how important it is that staff, patients, partners and the public have this opportunity to explore and discuss the proposals in greater detail and feedback their views.”  

“Patient care is of paramount importance to us and must continue to be the guiding principle as healthcare continues to develop and change over time.”      

Chair of the County’s Health, Community and Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Andrew Gravells says:

“We are pleased that a wide ranging process has been agreed to give the public and interested groups a chance to properly scrutinise these proposals.”

“I am also pleased that the drop in events in Gloucester and Cheltenham are being held on a Saturday to allow a greater number of people to express their views. We look forward to receiving the outcome report at our meeting in May.”

Information Bus:

As part of its planned route, the GUiDE and PALS Information Bus will be in various locations across the county during March and April. People can find out where by contacting the GUiDE and PALS Team on 0800 0151 548 and details of venues, dates and times will also be posted online from Monday.