Bus consultation

Council bosses in Hertfordshire are asking for views on their plans for bus services over the next five years, which could see some routes being cut.

The County Council - who've started a consultation - have told Heart the country's current financial situation means there may well have to be cutbacks.

Stuart Pile, Executive Member for Highways and Transport, said: "In our draft bus strategy we set out how we intend to spend public money on the county's bus network.  The strategy determines how we will work with commercial bus operators and how we will prioritise the limited amount of money available.

"In the current economic climate it's vital that we identify the best way to use our resources.  The new strategy aims to give us the flexibility to make the best use of our money in the short term, while setting out a plan for how we will develop the bus network over the next 20 years."

Jeff Tucker, head of passenger transport at the Council, said: "As part of the normal process we would review services that are little used and assess whether we could better use the funds that go to those services, to serve greater need.  That's part of this whole consultation process."

The consulation is open until 6 June 2011 at www.hertsdirect.org/passengertransport