When are the May Bank Holidays this year? The 2020 dates revealed

21 April 2020, 14:16

The May Bank Holiday dates for 2020 (stock images)
The May Bank Holiday dates for 2020 (stock images). Picture: Getty

The May Day Bank Holiday has moved to Friday from its traditional Monday spot this year - here's your need-to-know on dates.

There are two Bank Holiday weekends coming up next month, with the May Day Bank Holiday due to shift dates for the second time in history this year.

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May Day traditional falls on the first Monday of the month, but this year will fall on a Friday.

Here's everything you need to know:

When is the early May Bank Holiday 2020 and why has it moved?

The early May Bank Holiday date has moved this year
The early May Bank Holiday date has moved this year. Picture: Getty

The first May Bank Holiday usually falls on the first Monday of the month, but this year will be on Friday 8th.

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It has moved date to to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day (Victory in Europe Day).

The May Bank Holiday has only ever moved once before - to celebrate the 50th anniversary of VE Day in 1995.

The second May Bank Holiday will fall on the 25th
The second May Bank Holiday will fall on the 25th. Picture: Getty

What is VE Day?

Victory in Europe Day took place on Tuesday May 8, 1945. It was the day that allied forces announced the surrender of Germany in Europe at the end of the Second World War.

When is the second May Bank Holiday?

The second May Bank Holiday will take place on the last weekend of the month, as usual. This year, it will fall on Monday 25th May.


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