Wednesday Blog: Driving ambition
It's Jamie V Emma to be crowned king or queen of the road!
The battle continues in Jamie V Emma as our intrepid duo get behind the wheel to retake their driving tests! Have a listen below to find out who got a spot of road rage, who went through a red light and who doesn't know what an engine looks like!
This morning's top 10 was a countdown of things you really shouldn't put in a microwave. Light bulbs, tin foil and spoons are all not a good idea but the number 1 this morning was marshmallows - apparently they explode!
We're back tomorrow with another chance for you to win a stack of DVDs in Oscar Winning performance and if you want to know what all of London's going to be talking about Emma Bunton will have her thing You're Most Likely To Hear People Say Today... tomorrow!
Emma's Driving Test - 15th May 2013
Jamie's Driving Test - 15th May 2013