Get A Listen Live Button On Your Facebook Profile

Would you like a Listen Live to heart box on your facebook profile page?

Here's how to get one!

1. Type "HTML Profile Box" into the search box on facebook

2. Open the link and then click Go to application

3. Click Allow to allow the app to access your profile

4. Paste the following code into the big white box:

<a href="" Target=_blank><p><h1>Click Here To Listen Live To Heart 103.3</h1><p><img src=""/></a><p><a href="">Get this on your page</a>

5. Click the Update Profile Box button to save it

6. Now to put the box on your profile, go to the top of the page and hover the mouse over Settings, then click Application Settings.

7. Find "HTML Profile Box" in the list of apps and click Edit Settings

8. Click the word "add" in the Profile tab next to Box: Available then "OK"

9. The box will appear in a tab on your profile labelled "Boxes".  Find it and click on the little pencil icon at the top right of the box, and click "Move to wall tab" and it will move it to your main profile.


Let us know how you get on!  And dont forget to add us as a friend at