Fast Recovery After Breast Operations

28 January 2011, 05:00 | Updated: 10 February 2011, 14:42

Some women going in for breast operations can now be back home with their families again within 23 hours.

The James Paget hospital at Gorleston is telling HEART about something called an enhanced recovery, which speeds up how soon you feel well enough to leave. It would usually take 3 or 4 days, but with the new enhanced recovery it can be 3 or 4 times faster than that.

Their Clare Rooney's says it can be a bit of a surprise for some patients.

“We follow a very standardised process so each patient is treated along a similar pathway. We’ve been rolling out this enhanced recovery program, over many specialties, so with each specialty we learn more. It’s standardisation for all nursing staff so they have a very similar anesthetic they have a well proven standardised pain control regime postoperatively and we go for early mobilisation and return to normal eating and drinking as soon as is practically possible.”