Alcohol Crime Down
24 February 2012, 06:00 | Updated: 24 February 2012, 09:12
Pubs in Henley have seen a big drop in underage drinking, drug use and fighting since a new scheme was introduced last year.
It works by identifying troublemakers and those been drinking alcohol who shouldn't be.
Eleven pubs are now members of the South and Vale Nightsafe Scheme which is made up of a programme of communication, education and partnership working to reduce incidents of alcohol related crime.
By becoming Nightsafe members, the pubs have signed a pledge which includes regularly attending local Pubwatch meetings, signing up to a drugs prevention initiative, supporting crime reduction and alcohol awareness campaigns, and ensuring all staff are trained in fire safety drills, drugs awareness and managing alcohol misuse.
Councillor Dorothy Brown, South Oxfordshire District Council Cabinet member for community safety, said: "Nightsafe is all about making sure everyone in our towns can enjoy or benefit from the night time economy."
The pubs have already seen the benefits of working together from campaigns such as ‘We serve drinks not drunks’ which was launched earlier this year to promote responsible drinking during the regatta."
Inspector Mark Harling said: "Henley has seen a reduction in crime of about 12 percent since the beginning of April last year and the Nightsafe scheme will help to keep it that way.
"For people who live and work in the town we want to make sure that their lives are not blighted by those who are less considerate."
Nigel Rainbow, Henley Pubwatch chairman, said: "By signing up to the Nightsafe scheme we hope people will recognise our commitment to ensuring our premises are a safe place to have a pleasurable time."
The pubs that have signed up so far include Angel on the Bridge, Bird in Hand, Catherine Wheel, Magoos, Rose and Crown, Saracens Head, The Argyll, The Rowbarge, The Old Bell,The Three Horseshoes and The Three Tuns.