The Chase fans left stunned as Dark Destroyer gets 'year 4 maths question' wrong

25 April 2020, 17:02

Shaun shocked fans after faltering on an easy maths question.
Shaun shocked fans after faltering on an easy maths question. Picture: ITV / Twitter

Bradley Walsh was left in stitches after Shaun Wallace made the quiz blunder – but can you get the question right?

The Chase fans were left astonished after the Dark Destroyer got a simple maths riddle wrong during Friday night's episode of the popular ITV quiz show.

Shaun Wallace, 59, stunned his 19-year-old opponent Aislinn when he selected an incorrect answer to a question that one viewer claimed was written for a "year 4" school class.

Clearly embarrassed by his blunder, the barrister smiled apologetically as the remaining contestants gasped with shock, leaving Bradley Walsh in stitches.

READ MORE: The Chase viewers outraged as contestant takes £2,000 from team after scoring 0

Shaun selected 'Two miles' instead of 'A mile'.
Shaun selected 'Two miles' instead of 'A mile'. Picture: ITV

When asked, "If a car was travelling at 60 miles per hour, what distance is covered in a minute?", contestant Aislinn picked the right answer, which was "One mile".

But when it came to Shaun's answer, he selected "Two miles", causing the studio audience to collapse into fits of giggles.

The miscalculation prompted the teenager, who Bradley previously branded "the best young player", to ask: "Are you alright Shaun?"

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Host Bradley couldn't contain his laughter.
Host Bradley couldn't contain his laughter. Picture: ITV

Viewers immediately took to social media to share their disbelief at the lecturer's mistake, with some even calling for him to be fired over the gaffe.

One fan wrote: "Shaun, what?! He does get some really obvious ones wrong sometimes!"

Another joked: "That was the equivalent of a year 4 maths question and a chaser got it wrong."

"Sean is getting worse every day," wrote a third.

While a fourth posted a GIF of The Apprentice star Alan Sugar saying "you're fired", along a tweet that said he should be sacked for his oversight.

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Contestant Aislinn couldn't believe The Chaser's answer.
Contestant Aislinn couldn't believe The Chaser's answer. Picture: ITV

The hilarious incident comes after viewers were outraged when a contestant took £2,000 from team's pot after scoring zero in the cash builder.

Ollie faced The Beast, aka Mark Labbett, and failed to answer any questions correctly but decided to take his low offer of -£2000, taking the total from £6000 down to £4000.

Following his disastrous first round, The Beast said: "Well to misquote another famous Ollie, what another fine mess you've got yourself in."

Despite outrage from fans at the contestant's underhand move, The Chaser beat the team in the final chase, leaving all of them – including Ollie – with nothing.

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