Plans Go On Display For Biomass Plant
Plans for a huge wood-fired power plant in Southampton docks are on display this week.
Helius Energy wants to build the 300 million pound power station, which would have a 100 metre high chimney. It would create enough energy to supply around 200-thousand homes. Plans are expected to be submitted in June.
At the weekend, people living near to where the plant would be built held a protest march in Millbrook. They're worried the development would overshadow their homes and cause pollution.
The company has since said it would reduce the size of the buildings.
The plans are on display at the following locations:
Monday 21st March 2011 at the Thompson Memorial Hall, Millbrook Baptist Church, Testwood Road, Freemantle SO15 8RL
Tuesday 22nd March 2011 at the Thompson Memorial Hall, Millbrook Baptist Church, Testwood Road, Freemantle SO15 8RL
Wednesday 23rd March 2011 at the Marchwood Village Centre, Marchwood, Southampton SO40 4SX
All exhibitions will run from 2.00pm until 7.30pm.
The deadline for submission of comments on the proposals has been extended from 18th March 2011, as previously advised, to 21st April 2011. Any responses in respect of the project must be made in writing and should be sent to Helius Energy plc by completing the online comments form or by post to Helius Energy plc, 242 Marylebone Road, London NW1 6JL. Responses should explain who is making the response and give an address for future correspondence. Responses may be made public.
More details can be found at: