Calvert Incinerator Approved
20 April 2012, 15:38 | Updated: 20 April 2012, 16:20
Buckinghamshire County Council has given the go-ahead to a rubbish-burning furnace near Bicester.
The people behind the Calvert incinerator say it'd burn 300,000 tonnes of waste a year.
Protestors aren't happy though, as it's the second incinerator within a 15 mile radius of Bicester to get the go ahead in the last six months.
Permission has been granted subject to more than 50 conditions to ensure necessary improvements are made to local roads, and that no building work is done on Sundays and bank holidays.
The committee considered issues around need, location, and design, health, environment and transport, before making a decision.
Chairman David Polhill said:
"The application for this Energy from Waste facility must rate as the most difficult planning decision this Committee has ever had to deal with, and I thank the Committee members for their sterling efforts over the past weeks. There has been a great deal of interest in this proposal and it is encouraging to see such a good number of the public here. I'd Like to thank them for their time and contribution."