Death Rate Review Team In Bucks
10 June 2013, 06:00
A rapid review team is spending 3 days in Buckinghamshire to hear what patients and staff at 3 hospitals have to say about quality of care.
It's part of the National Quality Review being led by the medical director of the NHS, Sir Bruce Keogh.
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust is one of 14 hospital trusts across England identified as having higher than expected death rates according to a mortality index.
The review teams are holding two listening events in Aylesbury and High Wycombe over two days which the public are invited to.
All aspects of quality at Stoke Mandeville, Wycombe and Amersham hospitals will be looked at, including clinical effectiveness, patient experience and patient safety.
No judgement about the actual care being provided will be made at this stage. The mortality index is seen as a smoke alarm for identifying potential quality problems that may need more investigation.
As part of a three-day visit by the rapid review team two listening events are being held at Aylesbury Vale District Council today (10 June) and Wycombe Hospital on Tuesday 11th June.
The trust says it's already made a great deal of progress in steadily reducing the ratio of expected deaths compared with the actual rate of deaths over the last three years.
Doctors review deceased patient notes on a monthly basis and it's established a mortality task force which looks at patient care.