Have Your Say On Aylesbury Homes
10 September 2012, 06:00
Planners want you to help them decide how many affordable homes should be built in Aylesbury Vale over the next 20 years.
A study in 2007 found there was a significant shortfall in affordable homes in the Vale, and councillors are keen to build more.
Over the last five years, more than 300 affordable homes have been built each year, but according to the latest survey 588 new affordable homes are needed in the Vale every year.
Affordable housing includes social rented housing (where rent is set at national level), affordable housing (where no more than 80 per cent of local market rent is charged), and intermediate housing (homes to part buy and part rent).
Councillor Carole Paternoster, Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, said:
"We all recognise how difficult it is for those on low incomes and young people to find homes they can afford in the Vale, particularly in the current economic climate. We want local people to tell us how many affordable homes are needed throughout the Vale.
"By having your say now, you can help us set the targets for new affordable houses in the Vale over the next 20 years."
The consultation runs until later today (Monday 10th September).
Visit the Aylesbury Vale website to find out more.