Oxfordshire Councils Hold Budget Survey

7 November 2012, 13:10

People living in parts of Oxfordshire have a chance to say which services should be prioritised in next year's budget.

Residents in the Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire can take part in a survey to help shape the 2013/14 budget.

People have until midnight tonight to give their opinion on how the councils should spend funds in these financially uncertain times

Those taking part in the survey in South Oxfordshire will be asked for feedback on areas where the council is considering investing more such as sport and leisure, community grants and street cleaning.

While those in the Vale have a chance to comment on a scheme introduced last year to give two hours of free parking in council car parks. 

Once the consultation period has ended both councils' cabinets will consider all responses prior to making their budget proposals next year.

Cllr David Dodds, South Oxfordshire District Council's cabinet member for finance, said: "Years of robust financial management have allowed us to maintain a strong financial position, even through the current economic situation and continued reduction in government funding. This has meant that we have been able to maintain and in many cases improve our first class frontline services. 

"However our priority is, as it always has been, to deliver the best services we can provide in ways that our residents want.  Therefore we encourage all our residents to complete the survey and let us know what they think should be the priorities of our next budget and how they think we should develop the services they receive so they provide better value for money."

The surveys are available at www.whitehorsedc.gov.uk/haveyoursay and www.southoxon.gov.uk/haveyoursay.