High Tech Breast Screening
41 thousand women living in South Devon can benefit from a new hi-tech breast screening system that's cost three-quarters of a million pounds.
A digital mammogram is proven to be better at spotting early signs of breast cancer, especially in younger women.
Finding changes is crucial as it often means less complicated treatment and a better prognosiss for the patient.
- The new digital breast screening service will be in place at Torbay Hospital from the summer.
The NHS Breast Screening Programme currently provides free breast screening every three years for all woman aged 50 and over.
The NHS Breast Screening Programme is extending the age range of women eligible for breast screening.
The new service is thanks to a £750,000 donation by the Hospital league of Friends.
Lynne Hookings is the Chairman of Torbay's League of Friends.
The investment will include a new static mammographic unit, which will be based at the hospital site, as well as a new mobile unit that will travel across South Devon, annually offering breast screening to approximately 14 thousand a year.
Go HERE: Torbay hospital league of friends