Lucky escape after sledge goes under car

A ten year old girl is recovering in hospital after sledging underneath a moving car.

A ten year old girl is recovering in hospital after sledging underneath a moving car.

It happened as the girl sledged down a sloping driveway in Prescott on Merseyside on Wednesday afternoon.

She slid in between the front and back wheels and has leg, back and arm injuries.

Station Manager Richard Clarke said it could have been a lot worse: "She slid in between the front and back wheels. Really she was very, very lucky.

"If she had sledged down seconds earlier, she could have gone underneath the wheels."

Firefighters stabilised the vehicle from every direction before using airbags to free the girl.

She was taken to Whiston hospital with leg, back and arm injuries.

Station Manager Clarke added: "Snow might look fun but please play in a safe place."