A-Z of Summer: BBQs

There's nothing better in the summer than getting all the family together for a BBQ. But don't just settle a few burgers and sausages.

Why not get the children together, lay the ingredients out on a table outside and come up with some mouth-watering dishes. 

Here are our 5 top tips for excellent BBQ food:

  • Brush food with oil. This will prevent sticking. Olive oil is theprefered choice. Don’t brush the grill, it will burn your brush!
  • For most meats, sear over high heat first, then move to lower heat to finish.
  • Turn often. Don’t let too much juice accumulate on the top of the meat…you will only lose that juice once you turn it over
  • When seasoning, larger roasts should be seasoned and then wrapped in plastic wrap and refrigerated overnight. Smaller cuts of meat should be seasoned 1 - 2 hours prior to cooking
  • If using a marinade to baste, BOIL it first!
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Whatever you choose to do enjoy the scent of summer with Vax and Heart.