Devon To Play Big Part in UK Tourism Bid

Devon is going to be a strong player in ambitious plans to get the country into the top 5 places in the world to visit.

David Cameron has said this week he wants to increase the UK's tourism profile globally.

Visit Devon's Rosie Bates is welcoming the move, saying benefits of even a slightly bigger market are huge: "Devon needs to be at the forefront of tapping in to that, making sure some of that spend is here in the county and some of those jobs are here in the county. There is no reason why tourism shouldn't continue to grow as a sector down here."

She thinks 2012 will be a good time for growth: "those visitors that will be going to London for the Olympics, we have to be strong on our offer and our marketing getting people into the county either before the Olympics or after the Olympics as part of their whole experience of coming to the country for that event."