Cheltenham: Recycling More Types Of Plastic

2 June 2014, 06:00

Stevenage Recycling Scheme

Cheltenham Borough Council are trialling a new scheme to recycle more of our rubbish.

We can now take 'mixed plastics' like yoghurt pots, margarine tubs, ice cream tubs, ready-meal trays and plastic fruit punnets to some ‘Bring Bank’ recycling sites around the town.

The scheme does not include any black-coloured plastic, plastic bags or cling film (or any other kind of film).

Because of its light and bulky nature, recycling plastics are more expensive than recycling other types of materials, but the council recognises that there is a clear public demand for this service.

Plastic bottles have always been part of the core group of materials that are recycled by the council but other ‘mixed plastic’ previously went to landfill.

The scheme is in operation at:
- Caernarvon Road, Morrisons
- Priors Road, Sainsbury's
- Manor Road, Sainsbury's
- Bath Terrace car park
- Hatherley Lane, Asda
- Church Piece car park
- Edinburgh Place car park
- St James Street car park
- Sixways car park
- Everest Road, Old Patesians
- Swindon Road recycling centre
- Whaddon Road, CTFC

If the results of the trial are positive and cost effective, then it is likely that this service will be implemented permanently.