The Giving Tree

Christmas Tree

Help give an underprivileged child a magical Christmas with the Giving Tree in Serpentine Green Shopping Centre.

All you have to do is take a tag from the tree in Serpentine Green Shopping Centre.

Look at the name of the child and their age on the tag and then buy a present for them. Then take it to the box by the Giving Tree.

logo serpentine greenYou don't even need to wrap the presents up - the Christmas Elves will do all of that!


The Giving Tree is now in Serpentine Green and runs until Sunday 21st December.


You'll find the Giving Tree in the heart of Serpentine Green Shopping Centre.

The Heart Angels will then deliver the kindly donated gifts to those who need them just in time for Christmas.

Charities and organisations benefiting include various women’s refuge centres, children’s homes and social services across the area.

Remember you can help give an underprivileged child the chance to enjoy Christmas as much as you do.

The names of the children have been changed for their protection, but your gift will be matched up with a child of the same gender and age.