Megan Faces Losing Baby

A young woman from Kesgrave has been told her baby will be taken away from her when it's born in a week's time.

Megan Coote, who's 21, has learning disabilities and failed an assessment carried out by Suffolk County Council.  As a result, authorities say Megan's not yet ready to become a mum.

Her parents have even said they'd adopt the child themselves in order to keep it in the family.

Dad, Dale told Heart: "Megan's doctor and midwives feel that Megan would benefit from a mother and baby unit which is in Peterborough.  We put this to social services but because of the cost they are not prepared to do it.

"If we let things carry on as they are, Megan will give birth to the baby and the social services will take it away from her.

"As Megan's father I feel like I'm failing her as I'm allowing this to happen."

Simon White, Director of Children and Young People’s Services at Suffolk County Council, said, “We cannot comment on individual circumstances. In all cases Children’s Services work hard to support parents and families so children can remain in their own families. No decisions can be made before extensive assessments have been undertaken which determine whether the child in question can be adequately cared for by the natural parents or within the extended family. In the vast majority of cases, children remain with their families but, where this is not possible, an application must be made to the court together with all relevant information. It is then for the court to decide what is in the child’s best interest.”