Royal Berks Plea To Keep Out Vomiting Bug

22 December 2011, 09:47 | Updated: 3 February 2012, 14:24

Staff at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading have told Heart they're determined to stop the winter vomiting bug affecting their patients and staff this winter.

4 wards have been closed due to the virus, with one open tomorrow, another on Sunday and all reopened on Monday, providing no other patients become ill.

Nigel Davies, Chief Nurse at the Royal Berks, said:

"This time of year we see more people in the community getting diarrhoea and vomiting. Therefore we are wanting to be very clear to people at the moment that if they have had episodes of it that they stay away from the hospital for at least 48 hours after symptoms have stopped."

"At Christmas people are often very keen to visit relatives, but if people are in hospital anyway they are much more vulnerable  susceptible to catching this sort of vomiting bug so we want to prevent that."

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