1 March 2012, 06:00

Find out about the signs and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer in March.

Most women don't know what the symptoms of Ovarian cancer are; including women from the West Midlands.

That's according to the results of a new study for Ovarian Cancer awareness month which starts today.

It's stated that if more women knew the symptoms, they would be more likely to get an early diagnosis and it would increase their chances of survival.

According to research, only 4% of women actually know how to look for the symptoms and at the moment the UK has got one of the worst survival rates for this type of cancer.

Helen Cooper, from Warwickshire, got over Ovarian Cancer in 2009 after having a hysterectomy. She says it was lucky that she got diagnosed after visiting her doctor. Helen says ' I didn't actually have any symptoms but I would urge women who do have symptoms to get them checked out as soon as possible. The sooner the better'.

Helen says these are the most common signs to look out for:

Having a swollen stomach

An increased need to go to the toilet

Stomach pains, and

Constantly feeling full

There are rumours that it is a silent killer but charities are warning it is NOT and getting symptoms checked out could dramatically affect the chances of survival.

If you do have any signs or symptoms of Ovarian Cancer it is advised that you visit your GP.