Finish this sentence...

15th May: We all have one. So tell us yours by completing the following sentence...

What are the first three things you do when you check into a hotel?

It doesn't matter how often you go to hotels. Whether it's every day or once a year, we all have a routine when we check in.

Here's mine:

1) Run straight to bathroom to check out the size of the bath and shower.

2) Hunt around for the shampoo and shower gel samples (and get very excited if there's one of those disposable shower hats).

3) Run to the bed, decide which side is the best, then put my pyjamas on the pillow to mark my territory.

Jez's routine, however, looks somewhat different. Here's what he does:

1) Check the fire safety manual and the map with all fire exits.

2) Sit on the end of the bed and flick through all the TV channels.

3) Peruse the mini-bar.

It seems to me that there's a bit of a gender divide here.

Seriously, I think I'm onto something. Because Sophie told us she also "Runs to the bathroom to check out the samples", Emily "Gets too excited if there's a fluffy robe in the bathroom" and Louise "Goes straight to the bathroom to check it's clean enough".

So, it would seem the women are straight to the bathroom, while the men mess around with the TV and mini-bar.

Or have I got it wrong?

Well maybe there are some exceptions to the rule. Here's 10 year old Benjamin from Yatton Keynell...

Ben's Hotel Routine

So tell me, what's your routine? PLEASE can someone 'fess up and let me know I'm not the only one to put their PJ's on their pillow...