North Devon Car Park unsafe
13 May 2010, 06:00 | Updated: 19 May 2010, 15:33
A North Devon car park's been closed, after concerns were raised about its safety.
Steelwork supporting the concrete deck of Lynbridge Car Park's deteriorated, and North Devon Council have taken the decision to close it immediately.
The car park was managed by Lynton Town Council until recently.
Any repair works are likely to cost a considerable amount, and North Devon Council say at the moment, they have not been able to secure an acceptable option. In the meantime, the car park's been shut to prevent damage or injury.
In the long term, the car park could be used by a local community group, it may be repaired and re-opened as a pay and display car park, or sold as individual spaces in order to fund any repairs.
Tell us what you think - Do you use this car park? What do you think should be done with it? Add a comment below.